Enryo Consulting Joins the Digital Pound Foundation to Help Advance the UK’s Payments Landscape

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We are delighted to announce the addition of Enryo Consulting to the Digital Pound Foundation (DPF) as Associate Members. Enryo also plans to take an active part in supporting the work of the DPF’s Use Case Working Group.

Founded in 2020, Enryo Consulting supports the financial services industry as it navigates times of change, Enryo specialises in providing insights and analysis into the changing payments landscape and consumer behaviour.

David Fagleman, Co-founder & Director, Enryo commented: “The Digital Pound presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the payments landscape and offer a new way for consumers and businesses to interact with the banking and payments industry. The challenge is to do this in a way that supports all citizens and offers something truly beneficial. We’re delighted to be working with the Digital Pound Foundation and its members to make this a reality.”

Claire Conby, Executive Director & Operations and Innovation Lead, Digital Pound Foundation added: “The addition of Enryo to our membership community brings with it the extremely important dimension of consumer research in understanding behavioural preferences around cash and payments. Their insights will further enhance the work of our Use Case Working Group as we continue our journey to explore and recognise the value that digital money innovations can bring to the financial services landscape”.

More information

If you would like to learn more about membership, please head over to our membership page, or reach out to our Membership and Community Lead, Michelle Brook directly via email: membership@digitalpoundfoundation.com.

For more information about Enryo Consulting, please visit their website here.