​Driving growth in digital assets markets

Image representing digital assets and blockchain interoperability

Source: Quant Quant Founder and CEO, Gilbert Verdian, recently had an in-depth conversation with Dominic Hobson, the co-founder of Future of Finance. They delved into the opportunities, challenges, and threats related to accelerating institutional adoption of digital assets. ​There are many factors encouraging, shaping and, in some cases, preventing the emergence of large-scale, global digital […]

​Making CBDCs work for offline payments

​Making CBDCs work for offline payments

Source: Quant In this article, we explore some of the key challenges associated with offline payments, why they must be an integral part of any central bank digital currency project and how to ensure that – while offline – they are secure and resilient enough to protect against cyberthreats and other financial crime. What are […]

Blockchain in 2024: The year of institutional adoption

2024 Blockchain Predictions

The following article was written by Gilbert Verdian, Founder and CEO of Quant – a member of the Digital Pound Foundation. This article first appeared on their website. In this article, Gilbert Verdian identifies and interprets some of the most significant blockchain trends for 2024 (CBDC, programmable payments, regulation, interoperability) and explores the profound impact […]

Quant Elevates Blockchain Security with its New Central Bank-Grade Key Management Solution

Quant Elevates Blockchain Security with its New Central Bank-Grade Key Management Solution

In a significant development for the banking and financial sector, a pioneering solution called Overledger Authorise has been launched to bolster the security of blockchain-based transactions. Historically, financial institutions have banked on advanced key management systems to shield data, applications, and transactions. The dawn of blockchain and digital assets posed a challenge: the prevailing key […]

Quant launches Overledger Platform

Quant launches Overledger Platform

Source: Quant Today, we unveiled Overledger Platform, making the same enterprise-grade technology that has underpinned our projects with institutional and central bank customers to-date, accessible to large enterprises, SMEs and developers for the first time. ​We are proud to unveil Overledger Platform: the infrastructure used in Project Rosalind – the Bank of England and Bank for International Settlements’ […]

Quant collaborates with BIS and the Bank of England on Project Rosalind

Quant collaborates with BIS and the Bank of England on Project Rosalind

Source: Quant We’re proud to announce our role as part of the vendor team for Project Rosalind. The project, led by the Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of England, explored how application programming interfaces could be used for central bank digital currency systems. Project Rosalind, directed by the BIS Innovation Hub London Centre, […]

​Bank of England and Quant share CBDC vision

​Bank of England and Quant share CBDC vision

Source: Quant ​During a panel session at the Financial Times Digital Assets Summit last week, the Bank of England’s director for central bank digital currency, Tom Mutton, and our CEO Gilbert Verdian shared their views on a digital pound and tackled questions from the audience about personal data privacy and interoperability. ​Joy Macknight, editor of The FT’s […]

C​BDCs in the spotlight at IFGS 2023

C​BDCs in the spotlight at IFGS 2023

Source: Quant ​Innovate Finance’s Global Summit took place last week in London and central bank digital currencies were at the heart of the dialogue. Government ministers, central bankers, and commercial bank representatives all agreed: it’s now a question of how – not whether – to implement CBDCs. ​In his keynote address at Innovate Finance Global […]

The digital pound: Busting the privacy myths

The digital pound: Busting the privacy myths

Source: Quant | Written by Martin Hargreaves, Chief Product Officer at Quant Concerns about CBDCs are ill-founded, writes our Chief Product Officer, because the underlying infrastructure can and would be set up in a way that limits authoritarian controls, surveillance, and protects consumer privacy. This article first appeared in CityAM on 28 February 2023 > […]

Commercial stablecoin issuance – Part II: Risks and long-term vision

Commercial stablecoin issuance – Part II: Risks and long-term vision

Source: Quant Banks around the world – including some well-known global brands – have begun issuing their own digital currency known as commercial stablecoins. In part II of our use case, we consider some of the risks involved and outline a longer-term vision. Understand the risksAs we outlined in part I, there are plenty of benefits […]

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